Friday, January 18, 2013

Uhh, Whoops 19 Week Update

Wow, sorry for being absent for ever. So much for the weekly updates. I haven't even taken 1 more picture to document this "journey"....I'm going to be very bad at this lol! I'll try to catch you all up or rather remind myself what's all happened in a whole month!
How far along are you? 19 Weeks

How big is baby? The size of a "heirloom tomato" (these still kind of make me mad...who has ever had a tomato be the same size as the next tomato?! And what's the average size?(well...apparently its about 8 1/2 oounces...

Maternity clothes?  Yes. My regular, none stretchy pants do NOT fit any more. At all. Though my stretchy ones, I can just barely squeeze into. I have a gift card waiting for me to just go spend to get some nice pants =D 
My Aunt Jammie got me an amazing pair of Comfy Casual skinny jeans. They are more comfy than my yoga pants =D (Thanks Jammie!!)

Weight loss or gain?  Gained 5 lbs since 11 weeks....So I'm not sure how much of that was there before I updated last.

Stretchmarks? Nope! I did finally get this amazing Cocoa Butter. It was the generic and super cheap kind, but it works way better than the expensive stuff I bought a couple weeks ago....that stuff would not absorb into my skin and would be just gross by the end of the day.

Sleep? Great! Some weird dreams, but I've always had random weird I can't completely blame that on pregnancy!

Best moment this week? The best moment this MONTH would be seeing Les Miserables with Sammy. Either our baby loves or hates music because the little thing would not stop moving during a certain song!! That was exciting. The baby also was moving a lot while I was playing some Halo with Zech. That's probably his best moment this month ;)

I also had my first "official" appointment a couple weeks ago. They had to do an ultrasound to get measurements since it was my first time at Kaiser. So I got to see the little gal/guy move around. You never realized how much you love ultrasounds until you actually have one. Before gals would be like "Oh lookie, here's the face and nose and shoulder" and I'd just half way smile and be like "thats great" while thinking: You are growing an alien. Well...I get it now. It's taken everything in my power to not pack the pictures up in my purse and bust them out and show everyone lol

Any movement? Yes! As mentioned above, the most active days were at the movies and while playing a game. But the baby is on the move during work hours, usually between breakfast and lunch and then just here and there after lunch and between the time I get home. I've just started to be able to feel the really strong ones on the outside, but it only happens when I'm away from Zech, so he's still "out in the dark".

Food cravings? Nope! Not that I'd call a craving at least!

Food aversions?  Nope!

Belly button in or out? In

What do you miss? Hmm. at the moment, nothing. I think because I know this will get worse, I am trying to enjoy what I do have now (like being able to see my feet)

What are you looking forward to? Our anatomy scan on the 29th. Praying everything goes well of course, but I'm looking forward to Zech being able to see our baby. I've never seen him more excited than when he sees our baby on a machine.

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