Monday, March 18, 2013

27 Weeks!

How Far Along: 27 Weeks (3rd trimester, yay!)

Weight Loss or Gain: Gain, but not sure until I  have my next appt. My last appt said I gained 7lbs.

Stretchmarks:As lame as this sounds: I'm not sure! I think I get some small ones, but then in a day they are gone. So maybe they'll stay for good later on =D

Sleep: Ehh, off and on good. I'll have a few days where I don't sleep well, then I'll sleep REALLY good for 2 or 3 days. But, that might be because I've been working on moving stuff, etc for the days that I sleep really well =D

Best Moment This Week: Pregnancy wise: felt little Isaac in two spots for the first time! It was...weird =D None Pregnancy Wise: We signed on our house this week! I'm so suprised at how fast things are moving. We could have technically moved all our stuff on Friday, but we have nothing packed and would have to scramble. We have until the end of this month to move out of this house, so we are moving this next weekend.

(Adding one in) Worst Moment This Week: Hormones. Man, they are crazy. I feel bad for my husband. One moment I'll be happy as a clam, the next I want to claw someones eyes out. It's a mess and I'm gonna have to think of a creative way to make it up to my husband. He's the most patient man in the world.

Movement: Lots and lots =D He's just starting to move around when I move around. Usually he only moves when I haven't for a while.

Food Cravings: Not anything out of the ordinary.

Food Aversions: Nope, still going strong I guess.

Belly Button: In.

Miss Anything: not at the moment!

Looking Forward to Anything: Moving into our home =D I can't wait to finally have a designated area for Isaac!

Milestones: Hmm, not much other than what I've mentioned above.

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