Friday, June 14, 2013

40 Weeks!!

Guys! I'm 40 weeks pregnant TODAY! Whoop Whoop!

Not like it means that much, an estimated due date is just that: estimated! This baby will come whenever he is ready.

With all that said: Today feels like a holiday (and not just because it's Flag Day). I've made it 40 weeks carrying a child that I will soon give birth to. Its a miracle, literally. God has blessed Zech and I immensely.

(I did not plan to be wearing the exact same outfit as my 37 week update! lol)

1 comment:

  1. You look wonderful! I'm so excited and cannot wait to see pictures of this little guy! I'm proud of you! You're handling this great, much more gracious than I was at 40 weeks. :) Way to go, momma!
