Friday, May 24, 2013

37 Weeks

This is being typed from my phone, so I apologize for any errors!

Today I'm 37 weeks. AKA: term.

I'm still going strong! I'm not too uncomfortable. Just during the sleeping hours. Turning in bed is hard and sometimes not worth it! But then laying on one side kills a hip, so you have to turn. Oh and getting up at least 3 times to go to the bathroom! That's never fun, pregnant or not!

About 2 weeks ago I was introduced to swelling. My poor feet. I promise I used to have ankle bones! Lol my husbands comment was "well at least you can now say you've had kankles." It was the funniest thing I heard all week and it was oddly very sweet of him lol

I'm estimating this baby will come on or near June 28th. So don't make comment about "any day now" or the like. I don't want to be anxious and I'm doing what I can do not be! :)

Here is my 37 weeks photo for you all.


  1. Looking beautiful! Hope the next few-ish weeks go smoothly!

  2. Watching for updates daily now! And praying for you sweet one! Loving you, Cheri
