Friday, February 1, 2013

21 Week Update!

Sorry for missing my "half way" point update. I like not feeling pressured to updated EACH week =D

How far along: 21 weeks today! Hit halfway last week! Yay! Somehow I think the last half is not going to go as smoothly and comfortably as the first half ;)

How big is baby: Umm...a squash? All the online websites say something different so baby is about : 10 inches =D

Maternity Clothes: Just bought a pair of H&M jeans. And WOW Are they comfy!! So far I love my skinny jeans, but these are way more "casual". They are the full panel, which I figured I'd not like because all the other pairs I have that are full panel, the denim goes up to the middle of my belly. But the H&M ones go below, like a normal "hipster/low-rise" pant.

Weight Loss or Gain: I should probably buy a scale...I have no idea...

Stretchmarks: None yet. Coca Butter is my friend during the cold days though to help with the itchy skin!

Sleep: Great! Though I had a very weird dream last night....I helped deliver babies in a hospital but all babies were still-born and I had the ability to tell which ones we could "save". It left me in a really weird funk all day.

Best Moment This Week: We had our anatomy scan this week! I think baby is doing ok. The tech said she wasn't allowed to say anything that would be considered a diagnosis. But I figure if there was something to be concerned about, she would have called a doctor in to talk to us. We also found out that we are having a boy! I was pretty nervous because I wasn't sure how accurate it may be (like if the baby was in a weird spot). But the was nothing to be concerned about, there is no way they could have mistaken what we saw as a boy ;)

Movement: Our little guy has been moving more frequently. At 19 weeks he'd move between breakfast and for a little bit after lunch, but that would be pretty much it. Now it's just sporadic. It's also 'longer'. Instead of just one kick here, it's more like feeling him get situated for about 5 minutes.

Food Cravings: Nope. All food sounds amazing =D If I think of a certain type of food though, I need that food. So I try not to think about food unless I know I have the ingredients to make said food =D

Food Aversions: Nope. Though, things definitely don't sound "good". Like White Cheddar Cheez-Its. They used to be my I'm like "ehh".

Belly Button: In

Miss Anything: Hearing. My right ear has been clogged for about 2 weeks now. It's getting annoying having to say "Huh?" all the time.

Looking Forward to Anything: Not at the moment. I'm trying to enjoy the soft movements and being able to breath regularly. I know those days are numbered ;)

Milestones: A/S was this past week. I'm definitely "showing" now. It's kinda nice being out of that stage of just pudgy enough for people to notice, but not know that I'm expecting.

 Me at the end of my 21st week

1 comment:

  1. A boy! Yay! Boys are a fun adventure! How well I remember those precious moments of my first pregnancy. And don't worry about it getting harder. I thought all of my pregnancies were pretty wonderful. 3 of the 4 I was overdue and that made me testy but I still loved being pregnant :)
