Tuesday, February 19, 2013

23 Week Update

How Far Along: 23 Weeks (actually like 23 weeks and...4 days or something, but who's counting)

How Big Is Baby: About a pound!

Maternity Clothes: Yes! Always and only.

Weight Loss or Gain: I still have no idea...My next appointment is next Wednesday...so I'll know then!!

Stretchmarks: Nope. But my skin is super weird. I'll get little "rash marks" randomly. They don't itch or hurt or anything, they are just red.

Sleep: Blah, Its ok on some days, but not ok on other days. But I'm not sure how much of that is caused by pregnancy. Last night I had a really hard time controlling my temperature. I'd be super cold, but when I'd move closer to Zech I'd be sweating; literally in the course of 2 seconds. It was frustrating.

Best Moment This Week: I guess Zech woke up at about 5 am Saturday morning and couldn't fall asleep. So he put his hand on my tummy and little Isaac kicked him. Then Zech would move his hand on another side and he'd kick over there. When he told me that I told him I was jealous, Isaac always stops kicking when I put my hand on my tummy.

Movement: Lots and lots =D Not enough to where it's uncomfortable though. (Unless he kicks my bladder. Then I quickly thank God that my bladder wasn't full lol). He definitely like baths. He moves around the most then.

Food Cravings: Not anything out of the ordinary.

Food Aversions: Nope, still going strong I guess.

Belly Button: In.

Miss Anything: Being able to carry all the groceries in one load in the house. I think I made like 6 trips last time:  my least favorite thing. I  used to load my arms up to the max just to get my trip number down.

Looking Forward to Anything: Our baby being born =D I just got a new book and it's getting me excited and anxious and wanting to speed time up! But I just need to enjoy the moments while I can.

Milestones: Nothing this week =D

This is actually 1 day before hitting the 23 week mark, but I've learned that dressed make you feel big =D

Taken at 23 weeks and 3 days


  1. hello ;) you look adorable~! you sign up to win a book a while back on my blog and i am just now picking a winner .so sorry! BUT HEY? you won if you could give me your email that would be great ;) cschergen@gmail.com

    1. YAY! I have been stalking your site to wait and see who won for awhile =D
